Hiragana and Katakana Flash Cards
After using SRS for a while, I wanted to find a nice compact way to have the same effect while away from a computer (School, Work, Long walks on the Beach. You know, the usual.)
So I looked up Hiragana and Katakana Flash Cards.
There are literally hundreds if not thousands if not five different ones I found. Doesn't matter which one of course, just as long as it is readable and such.
So I nabbed a .rar file chocked full of nice lovely Kana Kards- er, Cards...
I really suggest trying this in your early learning techniques as I don't think it'd be portable to carry around all 20000 or so Kanji in flash card form...
Anyways, if you can't get hold of flash card paper to print on, regular printer paper will work as long as you do one side and then flip and do the other side correctly lined up.
The ONLY thing bad about it was cutting them... all like 450 or so... and now, with 2 stacks (One Katakana and one Hiragana), they each are about an inch thick of cards... kind of hefty for home made but well worth the 30-45 minutes of straight paper cutting device paper cutting...
I highly suggest this. Also, don't worry if you get them "out of order" when you cut them because a random order will help stop you from inferring what the next card will be... "I just had Ka so the next one MUST be Ki" not too healthy for memorization unless your mind is wired that way, which it might be which would be fine. I just like having random ones so I can't guess without really examining the symbol.
Happy Hunting!
PS: I guess I'll take advice from our friends at AJATT and use bolding to save time for people who can't/don't want to read all of that